Children flooding into the tennis court, some were very eager to get started but others just didn’t want to be at school. Today our school, St Pius X, had CROSS COUNTRY! Cross Country was for everyone, as in everyone has to participate in the race but if you had a good enough excuse then it’s your lucky day! We had some collaborators from St. Mary’s College coming to help with the races (direct us to where we had to go). Moments later they began the races... First race was the students aged 12. Majority of my friends were in that load of racers. After the 12 year olds took off they continued on by age going down, 11, 10, 9 etc. Smiling big and getting ready to be released... “Get your mark, Get set... “ *BANG*
Jogging down the hill with two of my friends Zheiyna and Latanoa, starting to go a bit faster. Later we had gotten in the front of our heap we weren’t exactly in the front but we were in 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Three quarters of the first lap and exhausted Zheiyna had gotten so exhausted she sat down for about 20 seconds to catch her breath back. Starting our second round and I was huffing and puffing so much that I had gotten dehydrated. Completed the hill and passing some of the St. Mary girls with one of my other friends, Maxine. Maxine and I had slowed down and walked for a quarter of the race.
Jogging up the hill with Maxine, smiling big as we take our last few steps... ACCOMPLISHED! FINALLY we had accomplished the course for St Pius X Catholic Schools’ Cross Country. Our accomplishment had led us to dehydration, sweating, puffing and huffing but it had also led Maxine into 2nd place for her age group and for myself 3rd place. For my other friends Genevieve had come 3rd after Maxine, Catherine had come first in front of Maxine, Zheiyna had come 5th not far behind myself, and Julia had come 4th after Genevieve. Minutes later the rest of our syndicate had completed the course and now it was time for us to kick back, relax and watch the juniors race.
Again we had heard the words “GET YOUR MARK GET SET... GO!” *BANG* the juniors had sped off to begin their course.Moments after the 5 year olds had left they began starting the 6 year olds then 7 year olds etc. After we had finished all the races we all got straight back to class, tidied up and gotten ready for road patrols.